10 Reasons Why Weight Lifting Is Great for Women
Many women believe the only way to lose weight is to do cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise, but without adding weight training to their workout routine, they are missing a key component to weight loss. If you’re serious about building serious muscle, ladies, try LIIFT4 , a new workout coming out soon with Super Trainer Joel Freeman that combines weightlifting and calorie-burning high-intensity interval training (HIIT). The program launches exclusively on Beachbody On Demand on October 1st, but LIIFT4 is now available for sale for VIP Early Access , only on TeamBeachbody.com . Workouts for VIP Early Access go live on July 16th. 10 Benefits of Strength Training for Women When you’re weight training, you shouldn’t rely exclusively on the scale to gauge your progress. You can use a body fat tester or a tape measure to track how many inches you’re losing. The size of your body will ...